Parent Notification
Dear Parent/Carers,
We are pleased to announce that, during the covid-19 epidemic, from Monday 20th April, Ellwood Primary School will be using Calibrae for Schools - a remote learning platform through which teachers will be able to set learning tasks and share information with you and your child/ren. We are so grateful to Calibrae for developing this amazing platform for us.
Each day, your child/ren could log in to their virtual classroom and work through sets of learning activities and tasks organised by their teacher/s - a combination of self-paced activities, links to useful websites, short videos, power-points and other interesting learning opportunities. Teachers will be able to see some of the completed work and will be able to provide encouragement and feedback on some of the activities, much as they would in the classroom.
We look forward to your ongoing support and thank you for helping us to try and continue to deliver quality learning and fun experiences for your child/ren during this difficult time. Please take a few minutes to look through the following points which will help you to know what to expect, and how you can best support your child/ren as we get started!
Welcome email and setting a password
How to access the site and a virtual classroom
Asking questions & messaging with teachers
Virtual classrooms are accessible via any internet-connected device with a web browser, including:
- laptop computer
- desktop computer
- iPads
- Android tablets
- Smart televisions
- Smartphones
- Games consoles
For the optimal experience, if possible use a device that has...
- a reasonable size screen - sufficient to view instructions and enter text
- a keyboard or means through which children can easily write text
- a camera and microphone (not yet needed)
Web-browsers of choice are Chrome & Firefox. Internet Explorer is not supported.
Welcome email and setting a password
Welcome email
By the time we go live, a welcome email will have been sent to the email address we have on record for your child. Expect an email similar to that shown in the image below.
Set a password
Work with your child to set the password that will be used by you and your child to access the classroom.
- Click the If you've not yet set your password link in the email. An update your password screen will be shown.
- Enter your chosen password in both password fields. (Entering it twice helps confirm the chosen password has been typed correctly.)
- Click Save
Passwords can be reset at any time.
With a password set, you will be taken to your child's courses dashboard - their set of virtual classrooms.
Children may have multiple virtual classrooms, depending on the year group and teaching arrangements.
How to access the site and a virtual classroom
On subsequent visits to the virtual classroom, log in at, supplying your child's email address and chosen password.
After login, you will be taken to your child's dashboard of virtual classrooms. Click any virtual classroom to enter the classroom.
Once in the virtual classroom, you will see...
- a welcome message from the teacher, perhaps a written message or a video message.
- a Get Learning button. When ready, click Get Learning to go to the first learning activity.
Learning activities will be listed in the activity navigation pane. The teacher may post many types of activity, including...
- videos
- presentations (Powerpoints, etc)
- articles/reports
- exercises
- worksheets
- links to other useful websites
- live webinars (not yet available)
The intention is for each child to work through each activity posted in their virtual classrooms either each day or through the week. We ask that you strive to support your child in this endeavour.
Live webinar activities
Not available.
In the future, there could be the possibility for the class teacher to use live webinar sessions for whole class or small groups . Live webinar sessions use web conferencing, including two-way video, voice and screen sharing, in order for teachers and pupils to discuss and learn together.
Once enabled by the teacher, entry to the virtual classroom's webinar room will be through the Join class webinar button.
Click here for top tips on how to use the webinar tools, including how to set up on a mobile device.
Asking questions and messaging with teachers
Activity discussion
Each activity posted by the teacher has a space for questions and discussion. If your child would like to ask a question or share a thought...
- scroll down to the Discuss pane, and
- use the Ask a question or leave a comment field to submit the question or comment text.
Others in the class, including the teacher, will see the post and can make a response.
Messaging with teachers
The platform includes a built-in messaging service through which you/your child and teachers can exchange text messages. Teachers can send messages to children. Children can send messages to teachers.
If you would like to message your child's teacher...
- log in with your child
- Click the message icon in the top nav bar
- Select the teacher you would like to message
- Write the message text and click Post
Not available.
Text chats can be upgraded to live video calls at any time by clicking Join Video Chat.
How to reset your password
Your password can be reset at any time. Visit the login page at, then click the link to Reset your password.
You will be prompted to enter a new password, and will then be taken to your child's dashboard of virtual classrooms.
Contact us
This is a new platform for us at Ellwood Primary School and therefore we are in the early stages of learning to use it to its full capacity.
If you have any queries, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance and they will endeavour to find out the answers.
You can also email: or
We hope you and the child/ren will enjoy this online learning experience!
Thank you